Residents are invited to have their say on a 100% affordable homes scheme aimed at local key workers and families in York.
A partnership between Jomast Developments and Together Homes would like to deliver around 106 affordable homes on land off New Lane, between Huntington and Monks Cross. These affordable homes will be targeted at key workers and families who have been increasingly priced out of York in recent years.
The proposals are for 106 affordable homes consisting of a range of 2, 3 and 4-bedroom homes, including a mixture of social or affordable rent and shared ownership to provide homes for key workers in the city.
Together Housing Association is a trusted housing association and one of the largest in the North of England, which has a proven track record with recent schemes across Yorkshire, including in Scarborough, Easingwold, and Howden. The rented homes would be managed by the Association, and the shared ownership homes sold by Together Homes, part of the Association.
The developers are proposing to offer a period of exclusivity to local key workers such as NHS staff, social and care workers, school workers, civil servants, and emergency service workers, should the plans be approved. This offer has been included in response to the lack of high-quality, affordable accommodation delivery in York, which has fallen well short of the identified need of 573 affordable dwellings per year outlined in the York Strategic Housing Market Assessment.
The site is a plot of land located between Huntington village centre and the Monks Cross retail development, nearby to the New Lane cemetery. There is a strong road, cycling and walking network into Huntington as well as sustainable travel options nearby via the Monks Cross Park & Ride. Nearby Monks Cross has an abundance of retail, leisure, grocery shopping, and health facilities for the new residents to use.
A generous open space provision is included for the recreation and amenity of residents, helping to provide a sympathetic green setting for the development. Tree and shrub planting is also included throughout the site to promote biodiversity. The development would have access via New Lane, and a detailed highways assessment will be included as part of the planning submission.
A spokesperson from Jomast said: “We are pleased to present this affordable home scheme for New Lane, which has been carefully designed to provide a range of home types to suit people who may be struggling to remain locally or purchase due to rent and house prices. We encourage as many people as possible to provide feedback on this exciting project and also to let us know if they are interested in living here”.
A leaflet is being distributed to residents near the site, which includes information about the plans and a tear-off freepost feedback form. A consultation website has also been launched, and residents can learn more and have their say:
A spokesperson from Together Homes said: “This public consultation is an opportunity for local residents to learn more about these exciting plans for a 100% affordable housing scheme. These proposals would provide homes with a focus on marketing to local key workers. We know that York faces significant challenges with providing high-quality affordable accommodation, and this project can help address that critical and growing need”.
All public consultation feedback will be considered as part of the planning process.